Build on a bread boardĬonnect the Dragon to the Atmega328p following this wiring. You can directly put the Atmega328p on the Dragon board, but if you use an external bread board you can easily put more components on that board and do much more testing. That means you can’t use the Atmega328p on your Arduino anymore ! So just buy a seperate microcontroller and keep your original Arduino working.
Connect the Atmega328p to the AVR Dragon boardīefore you use the original Atmega328p microcontroller from your Arduino keep in mind that you will loose the bootloader inside the microcontroller. It is possible to use an Arduino board together with Atmel studio, but with this board you can also program different microcontrollers. The cheapest board with some debugging options I could find is the AVR Dragon board ( ).
I had to turn off my virusscanner to avoid blue screens so i decided to keep using the older version 6.2 (AS6) You can download it from The AVR Dragon board I tried to use the latest version 7 from Atmel, but i run into a lot of blue screens. With Atmel studio it is possible to program a wide range of AVR microcontrollers which will be usefull in the future. Besides that, it’s the original IDE from AVR, the maker of the Atmega328p microcontroller (used by Arduino). It usually takes few seconds to flash the Arduino.The Arduino IDE is great, but with Atmel studio you can do more including easier debugging.
It usually takes few seconds to get the build done. You have to check in Device Manager to which COM Port is assigned for your Board.
The COM Port is changed as every new board will get a new COM Port assigned by your PC. Title: Arduino NANO Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude.exe Arguments: -C"C:\Program Files (x86)\arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc\nf" -v -patmega328p -carduino -PCOM5 -b57600 -D -Uflash:w:"$(ProjectDir)Debug\$(TargetName).hex":i Select 'Use Output Window' You should notice that the microcontroller is the same as in Arduino UNO as both the board uses the same MCU. Arduino UNO / NANO Microcontroller > -patmega328p Arduino MEGA Microcontroller > -patmega2560Ĭlick ‘Add’ to add a new Tool. The Arguments should have the 3 most important parameters in it, the Microcontroller which is dependent on the Arduino board you are using, COM Port, and Baud Rate. COM Port system dependent and can be determined from Device Manager. The Command should have the path to avrdude.exe that will be in the location where you have installed the Arduino IDE. Title: Arduino UNO Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude.exe Arguments: -C"C:\Program Files (x86)\arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc\nf" -v -patmega328p -carduino -PCOM10 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:"$(ProjectDir)Debug\$(TargetName).hex":i Select 'Use Output Window' You can give any Title you want. I had already added two commands for Arduino UNO and Arduino NANO.Ĭlick ‘Add’ to add a new Tool. You should see a window like this but will be empty for you. On the Menu Bar go to Tools -> External Tools These support endless possible applications for this small and affordable package.Ĭonfiguration Steps for Atmel Studio for Flashing or Programming an Arduino Board A wide range of flexible I/O options includes I2C, SPI, and uniquely Programmable I/O (PIO). Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 Designed by Raspberry Pi, RP2040 features a dual-core Arm Cortex-M0+ processor with 264KB internal RAM and support for up to 16MB of off-chip Flash.Atmel The popular, tiny and low-cost 8-bit AVR microcontrollers from Atmel.